What is Spirulina?
- Spirulina is a planktonic blue-green algae.
- Exists on earth for more than 3.5billion years.
- It is nature’s most concentrated whole food.
- Protein
- Amino Acids
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Gamma linolenic acids (GLA)
- Pigments
- Enzymes etc
Protein & Amino Acids
- Spirulina has the highest protein content of any natural food (65%) far more than animal & fish (15-25%) soybeans (35%) & eggs (12%).
- Spirulina is a complete protein source since it contains all the essential amino acids.
- It is easily digested & assimilated (85-95%) because of its soft muco-polysaccharide cell wall which does not contain cellulose (fibre).
- Digestibility & absorption is important for undernourished people, the elderly & people with intestinal mal-absorption.
- Spirulina has practically no fat/100gm & also no cholesterol.
- It is, however, a concentrated source of GLA (gamma linolenic acid). It helps in the hormonal balance, lowering of cholesterol, skin complexion etc.
- Spirulina is a food richest in beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A), 10 times more concentrated than carrots.
- Human bodies can convert beta-carotene to Vitamin A as needed
- Vitamin A is important in maintaining mucous membrane & pigment necessary for vision.
- Beta-carotene can reduce cholesterol & prevent cancers.
- Spirulina is an excellent source of Vitamin B12, B12 is important in the production of red blood cells, bone marrow & development of the nervous system.
- Most plants & vegetables do not contain B12, vegetarians should take more spirulina to compensate for B12 deficiency.
- B12 may also help in lowering the risk of heart attack & stroke.
- Spirulina is also the richest source of iron food (50 times more iron than spinach).
- Iron in spirulina is 60% better absorbed than the iron supplement such as iron sulphate etc.
- Iron is essential for strong red blood cells & a healthy immune system.
- Spirulina is one of the most concentrated calcium foods supplying more calcium than milk. Calcium is important for healthy bones & prevention of Osteoporosis.
- Spirulina also contains magnesium, chromium, selenium, copper & zinc.
- Chromium is an important factor in the control & treatment of diabetes.
- Fats : 1.4
- Smoking : 1.8
- Homocystine: 2.0
Carbohydrates, Pigments & Enzymes
- Spirulina contains 15-25% carbohydrates & sugars, which are easily absorbs by the body with minimum insulin intervention. It offers quick energy.
- Pigments such as phycocyanin & chlorophyll help synthesize many enzymes necessary for regulating the body metabolism.
- Spirulina contains a number of enzymes, one of them is superoxide dismutase (SOD). It is important in removing free radicals & retarding aging etc.
- Spirulina can reduce cholesterol and may have a favourable effect on alleviating heart diseases.
- The beta carotene of spirulina may reduce risk of all kinds of cancer including mouth cancer and tumours.
- Spirulina can increase the friendly bacteria (lactobacilli) population in human and this increases the absorption B1 and other vitamins.
- Spirulina gives protective effect against diabetes and hypertension.
- The pigment phycocynin in spirulina can reduce kidney poisoning from mercury and drug intoxication by reducing blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine Spirulina provides high iron bioavailability and correction of anaemia.
- Extract of spirulina can inhibit the growth of bacteria, yeast and fungi.
- Spirulina offers a balanced meal to adults & children alike. It helps the malnourished children, elderly & those who have digestive problems.
- Spirulina is a natural “medicine” for constipation.
- It is also ideal supplement for those who are fasting and trying to slim down owing to its low calories - high nutrient contents.
- GLA, a precursor for the body’s prostaglandins found in spirulina, has been shown chemically to have beneficial effect on the entire hormonal system, premenstrual stress, cholesterol reduction, heart disease, skin problems, benign breast disease, hyperactive children, arthritis etc
- For those who have problems in converting essential fatty acids to GLA, Spirulina can supply our body directly with GLA.
- In 1914, a Russian patent was awarded to the use of spirulina as “a medical food” to reduce allergic reactions from radiation sickness.
- Spirulina reduces effects of radiation. Those who use handphones, computers, microwave etc should take more spirulina.
- K-LINK’S Spirulina is in liquid form, making its nutrients highly digestible, which in turn provides the body with instant benefits.
- Moreover, K-LINKs liquid organic spirulina is fortified with UIE, making it a super food for health, energy and vitality.
- Just 1 sachet of K-LINKs liquid organic Spirulina provides 50% of the nutrition required by our body per day.
- Spirulina is a complete balanced meal in a sachet.
- Spirulina strengthens the immune system and enhances the body’s ability to generate new cells.
- Malnourished children and adults have gained health and have benefited from the consumption of spirulina.
- Spirulina contains GLA Gamma Linolenic Acid in natural form, which is an anti inflammatory agent, which alleviates symptoms of arthritic conditions, and also promotes growth.
- It is a natural cleanser and a balanced meal.
- It cleanses and detoxifies the body’s internal organs and eliminates toxins from the body.
- It is also an excellent energy booster.
- It is an organic food without any pesticides or chemicals.
- It is the only richest plant source of protein.
- Rich in minerals and has upto 70% of proteins.
- Reduces PMS.
- Anti-Aging.
- Proteins in spirulina is the only protein that does not form mucous in the large intestine.
- More than 50 nutrients
- Protein 65%
- Complete range of essential amino acids
- Abundance in vitamins
- Full range of minerals
- liquid form
- Best grade spirulina
- BAE (Bio-Activated Energy)
- Absorption rate close to 100%
- Instant energy
- Convenient and handy sachet
- Highly palatable
- Ideal for people of all ages
- No over dose
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